Adventure Birding 'n Outdoors in New Guinea's Wild West
Getting up-close and personal with the endemic and endangered marsupial Waigeo Cuscus Spilocuscus
papuensis could be one of the highlights of an outdoors adventure to the largest Raja Ampat island of Waigeo. Copyright
© Alex van Zon
Explore Waigeo
Outdoors break │ 5 days/4 nights
Lying at the northern extremity of the fabled Raja Ampat or 'Four Kings' archipelago, just below the Equator,
Waigeo is the largest island in the group, with a surface area in excess of 3,100 square kilometers. This outdoors break offers
a taste of the island's exquisite wildlife, which includes a large-bodied marsupial cuscus, a mound-building megapode, a
delightful crowned pigeon, and two nearly mythical birds-of-paradise. Indeed, the Wilson's Bird-of-paradise and the Red
Bird-of-paradise here surely are contenders for the title of most beautiful bird on Earth.
Just arriving on a remote island the stature of Waigeo is an overthrowing experience, let alone the journey
inland in the company of friendly ethnic Ma'ya and Biak peoples, custodians of the island's splendid natural heritage.
Possible year-round, but most certainly best from June to November.
Scheduled departures
Please inquire for details on our upcoming departures.
Physical effort
Reasonable physical fitness and good agility are required to bird the at times challenging terrain here.
Tour summary
Day 1 Sorong and Sorong lowlands.
Day 2 Sorong and Waigeo Island.
Day 3 Waigeo Island.
Day 4 Waigeo Island and Sorong.
Day 5 Sorong.
Tour description
Day 1 │ Sorong and Sorong lowlands
Morning arrival at Sorong's DEO Airport on overnight domestic flight from Jakarta or alternative gateway. We will be there to
welcome you at the airport, and we shall soon set out together by chartered vehicle to visit a nearby area of mangroves.
After an early lunch in town, we shall then drive out by chartered vehicle for 30 minutes along a road winding into the
surrounding foothills. Here we shall enjoy a relaxed walk through selectively logged rainforest where we may be rewarded with
sightings of dazzling forest kingfishers among others.
The final hour of light or so shall see us gathered at an open vantage point to witness evening flights of pigeons, hornbills and
Dinner and overnight in our partnering Sorong hotel.
Day 2 │ Sorong and Waigeo Island
After breakfast in our Sorong hotel, we shall set out on the two hours' ride by scheduled public fast boat across Dampier Strait
to Waigeo. We shall then continue overland by chartered 4WD-vehicle to our partnering resort located on the beach-front on
Waigeo's southwestern shores.
We shall enjoy lunch at the resort and drive out by chartered 4WD-vehicle again along a track winding into the surrounding
forested hills, where we shall start our exploration of Waigeo proper. Majestic hornbills and colorful parrots may fly overhead
as we acquaint ourselves with some of the more conspicuous forest birds.
The final hours of light we shall devote to a popular display tree of the fabled Red Bird-of-paradise, taking ample time to
observe the up to eight plumed males that normally gather here, interacting with soliciting females.
Finally, a nocturnal foray on the way back down toward the coast could bring us up close with a weird-looking frogmouth or cuddly
marsupials like the Striped Possum or the endemic and endangered Waigeo Cuscus.
Dinner and overnight in resort.
Ein empfehlenswerter Veranstalter ist zum Beispiel Papua Expeditions, der professionell geführte, auch
mehrtägige exklusive Exkursionen auf die Insel Waigeo anbietet. Paradiesvogelbeobachtungen sind hier garantiert und der
Aufenthalt im Dschungel ist aufgrund der kleinen Gruppengrößen sehr komfortabel gestaltet.
— Dr. Roland Hilgartner, Germany
Day 3 │ Waigeo Island
Following a nocturnal breakfast, we shall proceed by chartered 4WD-vehicle to an area where a number of display courts of the
Wilson's Bird-of-paradise are located in close proximity to one another in a so-called exploded lek configuration. Here we stand
an excellent chance of witnessing the full array of display postures and high-intensity male-female interactions in this nearly
mythical species at close range from well-appointed hides.
We shall then continue our exploration of the wider vicinity. Incubation mounds of the Dusky Megapode are scattered everywhere
throughout the flattish parts of the forest here, and it should not take long before we feast our eyes on a couple of Western
Crowned Pigeons as they lift off with clapping wing beats from the forest floor to alight in nearby emergent trees.
After lunch back at the resort, we could enjoy a spot of snorkeling on the fringing reef, a leisurely walk along the beach exposed
at low tide, or a visit to the local, typically Papuan, village.
Dinner and overnight in resort.
Day 4 │ Waigeo Island and Sorong
After breakfast there shall be a final opportunity to spend rewarding time with either the Wilson's or Red Bird-of-paradise.
Alternatively, we could make a walk in the wider vicinity.
Following lunch back at the resort, we shall then drive out by chartered 4WD-vehicle to catch the public fast boat back to
Dinner and overnight in Sorong hotel.
Day 5 │ Sorong
We shall enjoy breakfast in our Sorong hotel and transfer you to Sorong's DEO Airport to check you in for the first morning flight
to Jakarta or alternative destination.
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